Teaching and Learning

Sts Peter and Paul offers a unique curriculum that takes the excellence of a traditional primary education and blends it with innovative and flexible methods. The curriculum is woven together by a Catholic ethos with an emphasis on values. Through careful design, our curriculum: 

  • Focuses on the individual
  • Aims for deep learning
  • Is designed to promote motivation, confidence, self-organisation and independence. 


At Sts Peter & Paul, we recognise that the study of English is essential to the learning and development of all young Australians. Through this subject students learn to listen to, read, view, speak, write, create and reflect on spoken, written and digital texts. The subject is therefore given high priority in each classroom. 

Explicit pedagogies are used to develop academically rigorous programs. The evidence-based Science of Reading approach informs all reading instruction. The six components of reading underpin reading instruction; oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension. Students are taught to read using a systematic synthetic phonics approach. As students progress to higher grades and can confidently decode text, the focus shifts towards reading for comprehension and developing a broader vocabulary; reading becomes an essential vehicle for acquiring knowledge. Similarly, students are taught to write using a systematic approach, by first developing letter-sound relationships and strong oral language, and sentence level writing, then paragraph and multiple paragraph writing. Students write informative, entertaining and persuasive texts. Through weekly library lessons, students are given the opportunity to read and respond to literature. The goal of our English program is that all students finish primary school as fluent and engaged readers and writers. 

In K-2 lessons are guided by InitiaLit, an evidence-based whole class Literacy program. This program includes daily reviews, oral language, phonological awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency and comprehension, as well as sentence level writing.

In Years 3-6 English lessons at Sts Peter & Paul commence with a daily review of previously taught subjects and are followed by explicit instruction in reading, and opportunity for practice, this format is then repeated for writing instruction.

In Years 3-6 Students participate in Spelling Mastery Lessons 4 times a week. Spelling Mastery provides structured lessons to effectively and efficiently teach the spelling skills students need to become proficient readers and writers.


Mathematics Teaching at Sts Peter & Paul School

Explicit and applied pedagogies ensure our academically rigorous Mathematics programs engage and support all learners in our classrooms. High Impact Teaching Practices (HITP), particularly Daily Review, Explicit Lessons, Checking for Understanding and Questioning, are fundamental components of our Mathematics programs at Sts Peter & Paul Primary School. These practices, embedded in our low variance curriculum, are further enriched with timely and targeted applied experiences. Carefully crafted open-ended problem-solving tasks provide opportunities for our students to contextually apply their knowledge and grow as curious learners. Our balanced approach to the teaching and learning of Mathematics enables students to enhance their conceptual understanding, mathematical fluency, strategic competence, adaptive reasoning, and productive disposition.


Ongoing assessment enables teachers, and students, ‘to decide where learners are at in their learning, where they need to go, and how best to get there’ (ACT Teachers Guide to Assessment, 2011, p. 6). Assessment to inform learning includes:

  • observation, questioning and discussion;
  • formal assessment; and
  • feedback to guide students.

Regular classroom assessment tasks include diagnostic, formative and summative tasks and are supplemented by tools that focus on number sense. Scheduled home learning activities are provided to consolidate student learning that takes place during school hours and to develop the partnership between home and school. The following platforms are used to provide these experiences:

  • Kinder – Year 4 use the Mathletics platform.
  • Years 5 & 6 use the Maths Online platform.


  • Leadership training 
  • Japanese
  • Environment centre (cooking using produce from our own gardens)
  • Library lessons
  • Sport 
  • Performing Arts including music, school choir & drama
  • Class buddy systems
  • Inter-school debating and Rostrum public speaking, speech and drama
  • Lunchtime clubs: Library, chess and gardening
  • Camps, excursions and incursions
  • Integration with Malkara Special School 
  • Music tuition: keyboard, guitar and violin


Creative, critical and innovative problem solvers are the key to our future.

Here at Sts Peter and Paul we have a dedicated STEM program which enhances the opportunity to build resilience through supported failure, to develop courage, foster change and collaborate through connection to the community and global initiatives.

The program acknowledges that children are the most innovative people in the world because they do not subscribe to ‘can’t’ rule. We foster experiential collaborative learning, to find creative solutions to real world problems and encourage students to make the small difference and spread the word.

This program reaches out to components of Australian Curriculum 9.0 and includes a focus on First Nations history as our original innovators or the movers and shakers of our country.


The library at Sts Peter and Paul is a vital part of the school, providing a rich and diverse learning environment that enhances the development of information literacy skills.

Library Lessons and Programs

Library lessons are designed to foster a love of reading and develop essential information literacy skills, enabling students to become confident users of the library and its resources. Students are encouraged to borrow books during their library lessons and also during lunchtimes throughout the week.

Information Literacy Skills

Information literacy skills are crucial for developing life-long learners. The teacher librarian collaborates with teachers to ensure that these skills are developed sequentially and integrated across the school curriculum. Information-based programs help students acquire the skills necessary for accessing information, gaining knowledge, and using information for personal growth and fulfillment.

Information literacy involves:

  • Defining: What do I really want to find out?
  • Locating: Where can I find the information I need?
  • Selecting: What information do I really need to use?
  • Organising: How can I best use this information?
  • Presenting: How can I present this information?
  • Assessing: What did I learn from this?

Students who effectively use information can:

  • Continuously add to their core knowledge
  • Use a variety of information sources and technologies
  • Process encountered information
  • Use information confidently and effectively

Student-centered learning, where learners are actively involved in their own learning, provides greater learning benefits to students.

Library Program

The library at Sts Peter and Paul Primary is integral to the school, providing a diverse learning environment that supports the development of effective information literacy skills. The program focuses on introducing and developing the inquiry process at all stages, aiming to create an information-literate school community.

Students are given opportunities to enhance skills introduced during their regular classroom learning experiences. These skills align with the Australian Curriculum English Strands of Language, Literature, and Literacy, as well as the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Capability.

Assessment is ongoing and continuous. A rubric outlining the assessment process can be provided to teachers for report writing if requested. Lessons and tasks are designed to ensure children meet the specific Achievement Standards for their grade level description.



The Performing Arts program is made up of music, dance and drama with the lessons designed to weave between each subject.  Music is a combination of instrumental and theory starting with vocal and basic percussion in kinder; building on these skills in Year 1 before moving onto the recorders and glockenspiels/mallets in Year 2 & 3. Year 4 look into the world of boom whackers, Year 5 explore the string family as they learn the ukulele and by Year 6 we bring it all together as we look into the world of African percussion and djembe drumming.

The concepts learnt in music are the base of dance and even pop up in drama. We bring what we learn in music into our dance lessons as we explore how our body moves, how to use space, how to dance as individuals and together. Kinder and One start our program with learning how to dance safely, working with the music and exploring movement through Hip Hop. Year 2 & 3 travel around the world as they learn to dance together in folk and bush dancing. Year 4 take up line dancing and find out how dance can cross over into a range of genres. Year 5 & 6 explore the cultural aspects of dance as they explore the dances of Hawaii and Africa.

Drama is not just about acting. We learn about the rhythm and beat of language and movement, how to use language - our voices - our bodies to communicate ideas and how we can work together to do this. Kinder & Year 1 explore how to use their voice, working towards creating characters. Year 2 take this knowledge and use this to create puppet characters. Year 3 takes this into the world of Readers Theatre, looking at how to read scripts and communicate with an audience. Year 4 takes this a step further as they explore fairy tales and how to create their own readers theatre. Year 5 & 6 look at theatre and musicals as we practise the skills needed to for the bi annual School Musical.

In all arts our goal is to tell a story, paint a picture or evoke a response from our audience. We learn, we create, we perform and we have fun.

Extra Curriculum 

Lunch & Recess Activities : Drama Club, Dance Club, Singing Club, SPP Mallet Band, SPP Drums and Piping Band (Scottish Bagpipes sponsored by the Canberra College of Drums & Bagpipes) and Lunch Performance (students can book a time to perform for their friends at school)

Paid Tutor Activities during school hours are also available.


This year we have returned to teaching Japanese as our language focus. All children participate in the Japanese program. We hope to energise and excite the children about the language and culture of Japan. All children are provided with opportunities to explore all areas of the language. They understand basic Japanese commands in a bi-lingual classroom environment. The children are beginning to write in hiragana, katakana and kanji. They also utilise romaji to assist the development of their reading and speaking proficiency. Through the use of songs, dance and games the children are able to further their ability to translate Japanese words in order for them to understand and respond accordingly. All children are encouraged to explore and develop their skills in this supportive environment.

Studying languages encourages the development of higher-order thinking skills. To be able to engage with a foreign language, and translate into or from English, requires critical thinking skills such as analysis, problem-solving, and creativity. This furthers develops comprehension, inferencing and allows learners to make connections between concepts, all of which are essential components of higher-order thinking.



Our kitchen garden was created to provide edible, aromatic and beautiful resources for our school kitchen and in turn, teach our students about the natural world. Students develop an appreciation for growing, harvesting, preparing and sharing seasonal produce that uses all the senses. Gardening Club encourages students to help care for our garden and gather and share some fruits and vegetables with the school community.


Sts Peter & Paul is an active school, conducting sports lessons two times a week. We work closely with local establishments to enhance our lessons and show the students how to be an active person beyond school.

We have four sports houses, all named after Indigeonous words for the seasons:

Iraga - Spring

Cooyal - Summer

Bangalong - Autumn

Talara - Winter

We run three carnivals every year, Swimming, Cross Country, and Athletics. As we are a School Sports ACT aligned school, students can compete at regional, state, or national competitions when enrolled at Sts Peter and Paul. We offer specialised sport activities such as squash, dance, gross motor sessions and most recently, snow days at Corin Forest for Years 3-6. Our Year 1, 2 & 3 students participate in swimming/water safety lessons at local facilities.

Along with this we offer the chance for students to participate in:

  • ACT Futsal Competitions
  • Boorowa Netball and Touch Football Carnival
  • School Sport Gala Days

We believe that Health & Physical Education is an integral part of growing the whole student. Through the completion of HPE lessons, students develop the skills, knowledge and understanding to strengthen their sense of self, and build and manage satisfying, respectful relationships.


Sts Peter and Paul Primary School is an inclusive learning community where all stud ents are welcomed by the school and supported to reach their full potential. Emphasis is placed on finding, developing and using a student’s strengths and talents to maximise their learning, heighten their self-esteem and develop a love of learning. We understand the significance of educating the whole child and acknowledge that each child is unique in their needs for support.

Students at Sts Peter and Paul have the right to:

  • learn in a safe and supportive school environment;
  • access and participate in a high-quality education on an equal basis to their peers;
  • learn and engage in the curriculum and all aspects of school life alongside their peers;
  • achieve academically, socially and spiritually with support tailored to meet the individual strengths and needs of every student.

At Sts Peter and Paul all staff work collaboratively with stakeholders to provide support that is in the best interest of each student. Our education approach is one where high expectations, complemented by a deep knowledge of each student, informs teachers’ capacity to meet individual learning goals. We work hard to provide differentiated learning opportunities and experiences to cater for the diverse range of learners within our school community.

The learning support model adopted at Sts Peter and Paul is an inclusive model. Students are supported by the teacher, classroom support teacher and classroom support assistants in the classroom. Teachers make adjustments to ensure the students are fully engaged in their learning. Our Learning and Support Team aims to target support for all students. 

Teachers and the Learning Support Coordinator meet regularly to identify, and plan for, the needs of our students. Reasonable adjustments are provided for students where necessary to enable access and participation in education on the same basis as their peers. Members of the Leadership Team, particularly the Principal and Assistant Principal, are also regularly involved in such meetings. Sts Peter and Paul call upon the expertise of members of the School and Family Services section, who provide insightful, principled and very practical advice and support. Allied health agencies also contribute to meeting the learning needs of the students. Staffing is allocated across the school according to the needs of the students and the level of adjustments required to access learning. 

Our model of support is three tier. This is universal support, targeted support and intensive support. 

 Targeted Supports - Personalised adaptations made in the classroom. Referral and monitoring by the Learning Support Team. Further interventions and assessments put into place. Some students may require an Individual Learning Plan. 

Intensive Support - Targeted interventions and support in place by Classroom Teacher, Learning Support Team and parents.  Teachers in consultation with parents develop ILPs for students who require significant adaptations to the regular classroom activities and/or have a disability.  The ILPs consider key short-term SMART goals that reflect learning outcomes in social, academic and life skills development  ILPs are reviewed every semester.

  • intervention programs - MiniLit and MacqLit offered to students requiring tier 2 support
  • 1:1 intervention support for tier 1 students
