Homework/Home Learning Policy
Home Learning Overview
Home learning consists of:
- Nightly Reading
- 10 minutes Literacy and Numeracy Consolidation 3 nights per week, as suggested by class teacher
- Occasional Project work in the upper grades
In 2017, parents were surveyed on the effects of homework to help us evaluate the performance of our home learning policy. The survey was conducted after consulting research by leading educational theorist Alfie Kohn and in particular his position paper entitled Rethinking Homework.
This paper highlights Contemporary educational research that indicates that traditional homework causes a great deal of stress to families, while providing no substantial academic benefits to student performance.
The survey results showed that 76% of respondents reported that homework caused stress in the household sometimes or often.

An alternative solution was posed to change homework to home learning which consists of 10 mins reading, Numeracy consolidation 3 times a week and occasional project work for 5/6 students. 84% of respondents were in favour of this move.

In light of this it has been determined that Home Learning, from 2018 in all grades will consist of 10 mins reading and Numeracy consolidation 3 times a week. Additionally 5/6 students will have occasional project work sent home.
To cater for those parents who still wish to engage their children in Home Learning optional tasks and activities will be assigned by teachers through the school website and can be completed by students outside of school hours.
A ‘Home Learning’ tab will be located on our school website. This will consist of associated links that can be accessed by parents and students. These will be updated and some tasks may be tailored within these sites to accommodate for the needs of students in specific year levels.
Other Home Learning can include a variety of activities undertaken within the household to consolidate and extend learning as well as participation in family and leisure activities.
Reading is considered an essential skill which forms the non-negotiable, compulsory component of home learning. Parents are encouraged to engage their children in reading in a variety of ways including listening to them read aloud, reading to them and depending on their age and development encouraging them to read independently for enjoyment. Teachers will provide a format for recording weekly reading activities.
While Home Learning will not be formally marked, teachers are to set time for students to share and celebrate their home learning with their class on a weekly basis.