Current Families

Here at Sts Peter and Paul we value parental involvement and participation. Parents play an active role in our school community and contribute to the life and vibrancy of our school in many ways. There are many opportunities to get involved from helping out in classrooms and at sports carnivals, attending excursions and assisting in the canteen.


We use several important channels to communicate effectively between school and home:

  • Our weekly school newsletter
  • Orientation Days 
  • Infromation Meetings
  • Parent-Teacher Interviews 
  • School Community Council Parent Forum Meetings 
  • Website and Email 
  • Facebook Page 


OSHCLub provides high-quality, affordable before and after school care, vacation care and pupil free day care for primary aged children in a safe, caring and stimulating environment. 

To enrol in our program or for more information, please go to our website. The contact number for OSHClub at Sts Peter and Paul is 0478 155 299.


Our volunteer class contacts liase between parents and the class teacher to set up class-centred activities and social events with the aim of increasing mutual support within the school community.


The Council provides the opportunity for members of the school, parish and Archdiocesan community to support the mission of Catholic education at Sts Peter and Paul School. Working with the Parish Priest, Principal, staff and parent body, the Council members provide leadership to the school community in a decision-making and advisory role.

Contact our School Community Council: scc.stpamdp@gmail.comn  


The Uniform Shop is a service for the parents and children at Sts Peter and Paul Primary School. All money raised goes back to the school to provide resources for the children. 

The Uniform Shop is open on Tuesday mornings between 8.45am and 9.30am and we accept cash or Eftpos.   

If you can't make it to school on a Tuesday morning and wish to place an order, please do so via the QKR App.  Orders will be filled Tuesday through to Thursday and delivered to your child's classroom. The cut-off time for orders is 8.45am. 


To support their social and emotional well-being, Sts Peter and Paul's students and their families can access counseling through Catholic Care. Our counsellor, Laura Lanerton prepared and presented a parent workshop explaining ways to better manage mental health and notice warning signs. Her presentation can be viewed here:

Should you feel your child would benefit from this support, complete this referral form.


Saints Peter and Paul School recognises the significant talent of our students.

For students who are selected for representation in their chosen activity at the ACT level, the school is pleased to provide grants of up to $250 to support their involvement.

Please complete the following form if you wish to formally request sponsorship for your child who has been selected to represent the ACT as detailed below.