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Dear Parents and Carers
“Like all saints, Peter and Paul did not come with sanctity ready-made from heaven. We respect them because in them the grace of God achieved its purpose. Such grace works in different ways. Sometimes God’s grace, like the prophet Jeremiah, has to ‘destroy and overthrow, to build and to plant’ (Jeremiah 1:10). Paul and Peter offer us instances of each of these dynamics.”
‘The Solemnity of Peter and Paul’ – Peter Edmonds SJ
This Friday, we celebrate the Feast Day of Sts Peter and Paul, the two patrons of our school. I have said to the students at different times that they are both excellent examples of (among other things) what it means to learn and grow. As Jesuit priest Peter Edmunds says above, they were not born with ready-made sanctity. This is another way of saying that education had a transformative effect on them both – an education of the heart, mind and soul. On Friday, we celebrate our patrons’ day with a whole school Mass at 12pm in the school hall, to which parents are invited. The afternoon will be spent with the children engaging in fun activities in the classroom. The morning begins with hot chocolate being served on the blacktop, as a fundraiser for the St Vincent de Paul Society’s winter appeal.
On Monday, all students’ reports were posted on Compass. If you have not yet seen your child’s report, please contact the front office. My thanks to all teachers for their work, and to Sam Mance for coordinating the release of the reports.
Staffing News
This week, we farewell Amanda Basedow who is taking leave for 12 months. Amanda is both our librarian and acting Religious Education Coordinator. I would like to thank Amanda for her excellent work in the library and as REC. Amanda has contributed a great deal to the school and I am very grateful for her work. I wish Amanda and her family the very best for their leave.
I would like to congratulate Sarah Walsh, who will be the Acting REC from Term 3. Sarah will do a wonderful job and lead Religious Education very well. Katie Birch will join Sarah in 3W, as co-teacher. Michael Washington will take library lessons for all classes, with Amanda de Jongh managing the administration of the library. My thanks to Amanda, Michael, Katie and Sarah, for their ongoing commitment to RE and the library.
First Day of Term 3
A reminder that the first day of Term 3, Monday July 23, is a pupil free day. The first day for all students is Tuesday July 24.
Have a wonderful holiday break. I look forward to seeing all of our families at the resumption of school on Tuesday July 24.
Best wishes
Cameron Johns
Thank you
As I am taking leave for 12 months, I wanted to say a sincere thank you to the wonderful staff and families at Sts Peter and Paul. It has been lovely to be Teacher Librarian, Acting Assistant Principal last year and Acting Assistant Religious Education Coordinator this year. Thank you for the kindness and support shown to me through my various roles and also as a parent too! I look forward to returning in Term 3 next year.
Please join us for our Sts Peter and Paul Feast Day Mass
On the last day of term, Friday 5th July, we will be celebrating the Feast Day of Sts Peter and Paul.
Friends and family are warmly invited to join us at 12pm as we celebrate Mass as a whole school.
In the afternoon, the students will be participating in a range of fun, whole school activities.
Mrs Raccosta is organising a special lunch (at no cost to families) on the day, which includes a hot dog and treat. If your child/ren has special dietary requirements, could you kindly email Mrs Raccosta ( as soon as possible.
Vinnies Winter Appeal- Save the date!
As our final Vinnies Winter Appeal, we're having a hot chocolate morning on Friday of Week 10- bring a gold coin donation to get a delicious cup of hot chocolate and raise money for those in need
Gospel-Mark 6:1-6
A prophet is despised only in his own country.
This week’s gospel sees Jesus returning to his home town of Nazareth. He is well and truly into his public ministry at this point in the gospel and his reputation is obviously growing as a healer and teacher. When he goes to Nazareth the locals are quick to ‘put him in his place’. They remember the boy, the teenager, the young man apprenticed to his father’s craft. He’s a nobody as far as they are concerned; just young Yeshua (Jesus) who grew up here. It is much the same within families and local communities today. No matter how successful and authoritative a young woman or man may have become, a trip home will quickly remind them that in the eyes of those they grew up with nothing has changed. In the gospel passage they even say, that’s Jesus – he’s just James’ brother; no one special! Why would they think they had anything to learn from a brat who grew up in their own town? What could he possibly tell them? They try to force Jesus back into the mould of the person with whom they were previously familiar and comfortable.
We do this to one another all the time. We have certain expectations about the way a friend normally acts or thinks and when they behave differently we react in a way that lets them know that they are not ‘being themselves’. In doing this, we are looking to maintain our own comfort zone. We take away the freedom of the other person to grow and change. Many people seem to enter into relationships thinking that neither of them will ever change. This, of course, is an unsustainable assumption. Surely, if we want the best for those we love and care for, we want them to be constantly growing and becoming all that they can be?
Adapted from Greg Saunter
Blessings for the weeks ahead,
Amanda Basedow
Religious Education Coordinator (Acting)
Week 10 | ||
NAIDOC Week | 4 July - 11 July | |
Performing Arts Assembly | Thursday 4 July, 2-3pm | School Hall |
Rostrum Quarter Finals
Thursday, 4 July⋅6:30 – 7:30pm | Charles Weston School |
Vinnies Winter Appeal Hot Chocolate - Gold Coin Donations | Friday 5 July, 8.30 - 9.00am | |
Awards presented
Friday 5 July, 9am |
Morning Assembly
Sts Peter and Paul Feast Day | Friday 5 July | |
Sts Peter and Paul Feast Day Mass | Friday 5 July, 12pm | School Hall |
End of Term 2 | Friday 5 July | |
TERM 3 | ||
Pupil free day | Monday 22 July | |
Students return | Tuesday 23 July |
Please Save the Date!!
Fathers Day Breakfast: FRIDAY 30th AUGUST 7:45-9am
Trivia Night: FRIDAY 13th SEPTEMBER in the school hall
Further information to follow next term
to those students who are celebrating their birthday this week
Ines STM
Chen-An L
Edie H
Czarmaine L
Savannah G
Eric George B
Dushan D
And to those students celebrating their birthday during the holidays
Christopher K
Matilda R
Adhiraj K
Isabella T
Penny A
Eva SG
Claire deV
At Sts Peter and Paul, we are all SainTS - Succeeding Together Safely. This term we are unpacking our behaviour expectation of Succeeding.
Succeeding means trying your best, having courage, and embracing challenges.
SWPB Fortnight Focus Weeks 9-10
Take A Risk
Our focus for the next fortnight is - Take a Risk. Through our School Wide Positive Behaviours Program we are continuing to encourage and acknowledge respectful and safe behaviours that promote a positive and safe learning environment for all. Our Year 1 students are trying something new and sticking with this activity before giving up. Our Year 3 students are picking activities that they wouldn’t usually do and stepping outside their comfort zones. Our students, when taking risks, are creating new opportunities for themselves which in turn enables growth.
On Thursday at 2.00pm, Performing Arts is having a short impromptu concert. This is a chance for students to show their teachers and other grades what they have been up to this semester by performing a brief (3 min) dance or music piece. We are just dipping our toes into the performance waters tomorrow as we prepare for a series of events in Semester Two. If you are nearby and would like a musical break, please join us but also keep an eye on this space for our formal concert program.
Last Thursday we had a pleasant surprise when the Director of Catholic Education, Mr Ross Fox, came for a tour around our school. Two of our Year Six students gave him a very detailed tour. After the tour Mr Johns, Miss Kennelly and Mr Fox himself all said it was comprehensive. Ariella and Ava did a good job and the school was very committed and concentrated.
By Zoe, Ava and Isabella
Year 6 students
Library Information…
Please take note of your child or children’s library days. Kinder- Year 4 must have a Library Bag to borrow books to take home.
Mondays- 2M, KW & Library Admin
Tuesdays- 3M, 3W, 1W, KM
Wednesdays- 4M, 4W, 5W, 2W
Thursdays- 5M, 6W, 1M & Library Admin
The Library is open at Lunchtimes (after eating time) on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays for children to come and read, draw or play quietly.
Amanda Basedow
Teacher Librarian
Congratulations to all students who received Athletic Carnival ribbons at our ceremony last week. A special congratulations to the following students who were announced as our Age Champions for 2024.
We congratulate everyone who participated on the day and must give a big thank you to all of our volunteers from the community. Without your help, these carnivals would never be able to take place. You rock!
On Thursday 27 June we went to Corin Forest. We had ski lessons. Mrs Mance and Miss Mertz came with us on the bus.
When we got there we had something to eat. Then we had to get our gear on; jackets, pants, boots and skis.
We practised how to use the skis. Then we went on the slope. Lilly was the best because she had skiied before.
The best thing about the day was going down the big slope. The second best thing waws throwing snowballs at our friends.
It was a great trip to go on. We had lots of fun!
Ana and George
Year 3 Students
Over the last two weeks the kitchen and garden have been a hive of activity. Students have made mini pizzas with vegetables, macaroni cheese and sushi. The children spent time chopping, mixing, rolling, taking turns and sharing. They all sat on the Indigenous cushions after saying Prayer and shared their cooking.
In the kitchen, they learned about the vegetables that went on the pizzas such as carrots and spinach and the cheese in the mac and cheese.
In the garden we were very busy harvesting potatoes, pruning mint and planting leeks. Then we gave everything a good drink. Before the assembly two weeks ago our little pop up stall was a great success, selling rosemary and potatoes. We will be having more pop up stalls before assemblies next term. Thanks for your support.
Our last garden club for the term is this Friday at lunch. Everybody is welcome.
The Garden Club
400 g macaroni pasta
1 1/2 cups cream
3/4 cups milk
1 1/4 cups grated tasty cheese
1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese
Pinch salt and ground black pepper
1/3 cup dried breadcrumbs
1/2 cup grated tasty cheese (extra)
Pinch ground paprika, to serve
Preheat oven to 200 degrees on the grill setting. Grease a large oven proof casserole dish and set it aside.
Boil pasta in a large saucepan of salted water for approximately 10-15 minutes or until al dente. Drain and keep warm.
Heat cream and milk in saucepan over medium heat. Bring to the boil, reduce heat and stir in cheeses, salt and pepper. Continue to stir until cheese has melted. Add pasta.
Toss to coat pasta in the sauce, then transfer to the prepared dish. Sprinkle with breadcrumbs, extra grated cheese and paprika.
Grill macaroni and cheese for 2 minutes, or until the topping is golden and crispy.
Families are required to place ALL lunch orders via Qkr! before 8.45am
Please purchase over-the-counter sale items (snacks & treats) for your child in a lunch order.
Purchase a “daily counter sales voucher” via Qkr! for your child to go to the canteen to collect items at lunchtime.
Time | Wednesday 24 July | Thursday 25 July | Friday 26 July |
9-11.30 | Jane F |
Maria S Katherine J |
Lucy W |
Thank you, helpers; your assistance is very much appreciated!
Please contact me if you are unable to assist on your day.
Are you able to help in the canteen?
TERM 3 Canteen Roster OUT NOW
Parent/carer helpers are most welcome in the Canteen. A lending hand is always required and very much appreciated. Helping in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet new people and make a valuable contribution to the school. No doubt your child/ren will get a buzz from seeing you at the school. So if you have any spare time and would like to help out in the canteen, PLEASE feel free to contact me through email at
Or click on the link below to add your selected time to the roster.
Please ensure you have your WWVP card.
Qkr! TIP
Is your child sick and not going to school, and you have placed a lunch order on Qkr!?
You have till 8.45am that morning to cancel the lunch order - instructions on how to cancel lunch orders are below.
Kitchen and Canteen “Stock Up” Drive
To help stock our pantries up for 2024, we are having a “Stock Up” Drive in Week 1 Term 3 on Thursday 25 July.
We are asking students to come to school wearing casual clothes, (not school uniform) but in return they must bring an item to stock our pantries.
Each class will be asked to bring in a different item and there will be prizes for the class that has highest percentage participation.
There will be a box in each the classroom to place the items in.
We understand the cost-of-living crisis we are currently in, and we are not asking for expensive or branded items, generic brands are most welcomed! Not all students from a family need to bring in items to be able to wear casual clothes, as long as one of the children brings in an item for their class.
The issue will be deciding which class wants the prize more!
Your class items are listed below.
KW - brown rice
KM – brown rice
1W - sugar
1M - foil
2M - Baking Paper (not greaseproof paper)
2W - Baking Paper (not greaseproof paper)
3M - Self Raising Flour (white or wholemeal)
3W - Plain Flour (white or wholemeal)
4M - Dishwashing Liquid
4W - Dishwashing Liquid
5W – oil spray or Baking Paper (not greaseproof paper)
5M - paper towels or Baking Paper (not greaseproof paper)
6W – paper patty cases or brown paper lunch bags
Thanking you in advance.
Every little bit helps… much appreciated!
Mrs R & Mrs Moore
8.30 – 9.30AM
The Uniform Shop is a service for the parents and children.
We sell New & Quality Second-hand school clothing, and all money raised goes back to the school to provide resources for the children.
The School Uniform is available via Qkr!
Tuesdays - Fridays, orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom. Orders need to be placed before 8.45 am.
It is usual practice for most schools to offer second-hand clothing at the uniform shop to families at a discounted price. Quality second-hand clothing can only be purchased during uniform hours. We do understand that this may not be convenient for some families so please feel free to send me an email if you are unable to get to the uniform shop during opening hours and I will do my best to attend your needs.
The Uniform shop is stocked up with second hand uniform, please visit on a Tuesday morning to purchase second hand uniform.
The uniform shop is limited with space, so if you wish to donate pre-loved items, PLEASE ONLY DONATE CLOTHES
that are washed and in perfect resalable order.
Lauretta Raccosta
Uniform Shop