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Dear Parents and Carers
“Human life is becoming. Life is lived forward. You understand a form of life by seeing the stages it goes through on the way to maturity…So the invitation to choose life implies a vision of what it means to grow up and become adult, humanly and spiritually.”
Timothy Radcliff OP, Alive in God
The esteemed Dominican priest, Timothy Radcliff, led the principals’ retreat last year (and was recently made a Cardinal by the Pope). The quote above comes from a chapter in his book, Alive in God, an immensely readable book about faith and its expression within the complexity of life in the 21st century. His point is that maturity only comes through trials, the trials that come with growing up. Schools, in partnership with home, are ideal places to foster the imagination, courage, grit, spirituality, relational skills, character and intelligence needed, to address trials, when they come, and to help children continue the lifelong task of becoming fully alive.
Colour Run
Last Friday Sts Peter and Paul held its first ‘Colour Run,’ and it was an enormous success. The children and staff had a very good time, and the school community raised a substantial amount of money that will contribute to new playground equipment for the senior children. Events such as these are team efforts and only come together because of the hard work of a large number of people. Special thanks must go to Karina Jones for her tireless work and advocacy of the project; to Talena Benedet for her hard work; and to Daniel Muller, for all of the sound system expertise and technical know-how. My deep thanks to all involved in bringing the event to life.
Reconciliation Retreat
This Friday, our Year 3 students are partaking in the Reconciliation Retreat Day, which is designed to deepen their understanding of the both the sacrament and what it means to be a forgiving, and forgiven, person. This is a day for all students, regardless of whether they are receiving the Sacrament or not, as the day is part of the RE program. My thanks to the Year 3 teachers for their support, and for Andrea McQuirk, our REC, for coordinating the day with Holy Trinity’s REC, and with Fr James, our Parish Priest.
Cross Country
Next Wednesday, we are holding our annual Cross-Country carnival. A note was sent out on Compass yesterday, with details about the event. The children will walk to Edison Park and compete in the carnival, before returning to school around lunchtime. All parents are invited to attend, and if possible, volunteer to help as well. My thanks to Luke Gubler for coordinating the carnival. If you are able to assist, please email Luke at school, on
Enrolment Period
A reminder that the official enrolment period is fast approaching. High schools and colleges are visiting Sts Peter and Paul, and we have recently had visits from St Clare’s College and Merici. Our official Open Days are taking place early next term, on Tuesday May the 6th, 13th and 20th, from 9.30 – 12. Our Information Night is on Monday May 5th, at 6pm. All interested parents are invited to attend.
Have a wonderful week with your families.
Best wishes
Cameron Johns
First Reconciliation
This Friday all students preparing for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation and all Year 3 students will attend Holy Trinity for our First Reconciliation Retreat Day. Students are able to wear free dress, but we ask that they all wear sneakers as we are walking back to school at the end of the day.
Students will be dropped off at Holy Trinity and walk back to school for normal end of day collection arrangements. If you have any questions please email me at:
Due to priest availability the time for the Sacrament of First Reconciliation on the 8th of April has been moved from 6pm to 6:30pm.
Holy Trinity School Hall 9.00 am–2.30pm Friday 28th March 18 Theodore Street, Curtin |
Holy Trinity Church, Curtin 6:30pm Tuesday, 8 April 2025 |
Project Compassion
Project Compassion gives us all the opportunity to stand in solidarity with vulnerable communities around the world, and create lasting change – together. By putting our faith and compassion into action this Lent, and fundraising for Project Compassion, we can help people in those communities lift themselves out of poverty, and change their lives forever.
To support our 2025 Project Compassion fundraising efforts, we are holding a uniform-free day on Thursday of Week 10. Students are encouraged to come in free dress and make a donation to this important cause. Donations can be made in cash on the day or via the school's QKR app under the fundraising section. Every contribution helps make a difference in the lives of those in need. Thank you for your support!
Easter Prayer Celebrations
All families are welcomed to join us in our Easter Prayer Celebrations.
The Schedule is as follows:
Celebration |
When and Where |
Grade Hosting |
Palm Sunday |
Tuesday 8th April 12:00 pm SPP Hall |
Yr 1 |
Holy Thursday |
Wednesday 9th April 12:00 pm SPP Hall |
Yr 5 |
Good Friday |
Thursday 10th April 12:00 pm |
Yr 6 |
Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year C Luke 15: 1-3, 11-32 The Parable of the Lost Sheep and The Parable of the Prodigal Son
According to Matthew, ‘Jesus spoke to the crowd in parables, indeed, he would never speak to them except in parables’ (Matthew 13:34). We listen today to one of the most memorable of them. Responding to the accusation of the Pharisees and scribes that he welcomed and ate with sinners, Jesus told a story that could be variously entitled ‘The Parable of the Prodigal Son’ or ‘The Parable of the Forgiving Father’. It is both challenging and reassuring to us - challenging if we have reason to see ourselves in the older brother and reassuring if, mindful of our sinfulness, we identify with his erstwhile wayward but repentant sibling. Their father receives his younger son with great love and compassion, rejoicing that he ‘was lost and is found’. With reference to this parable St John Paul II wrote: ‘[God’s love] is able to reach down to every prodigal son, to every human misery, to sin. When this happens, the person who is the object of mercy does not feel humiliated, but rather found again and “restored to value” (Dives in Misericordia #6). Is there anyone whom, like the older brother, I have yet to forgive - a good Lenten question?
From God’s Word, Daily Reflections, 2025
Yours in Christ,
Andrea McQuirk
Religious Education Coordinator
School-Wide Positive Behaviour (SWPB)
At Saints Peter and Paul our students are supported by a School- Wide Positive Behaviour framework that was developed by our school community to develop a positive, safe, and supportive learning culture.
The framework improves the social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for our students.
Our three expectations, Succeeding Together Safely underpin everything we do here at Sts Peter and Paul Primary School.
Our goal for Weeks 8 and 9 is
Getting Along with Others
Talk and Listen: Speak kindly to others, and listen when they talk.
Week 8 | ||
Canteen Special Lunch Day | Wed 26 March | |
Growth Assembly - Year 4 | Thursday 27 March, 2.30pm | |
Reconciliation Retreat Day - Year 3 | Fri 28 March | Holy Trinity |
Week 9 | ||
Cross Country | Wed 2 April | |
South Western Swimming | Friday 4 April | |
Week 10 | ||
Easter egg guessing and colouring competition | Mon 7 April - Thurs 10 April | |
ACT Futsal | Mon 7 April | |
Sacrament of Reconciliation | Tues 8 April, 6.30pm | |
Winners of Easter egg guessing and colouring competition announced |
Thurs 10 April, 9am | |
Last day Term 1 | Thurs 10m April | |
Pupil Free Day |
Fri 11 April | |
Term 2 | ||
First day Term 2 (staff) | Mon 28 April | |
First day Term 2 (students) | Tues 29 April |
Celebration |
When and Where |
Grade Hosting |
Palm Sunday |
Tuesday 8th April 12:00 pm SPP Hall |
Yr 1 |
Holy Thursday |
Wednesday 9th April 12:00 pm SPP Hall |
Yr 5 |
Good Friday |
Thursday 10th April 12:00 pm |
Yr 6 |
to those students who are celebrating their birthday this week
Amelia M
Isabella M
Sienna M
Charlotte W
Patrick C
Alexander Q
Oliver B
Benjamin E
Tanmay D
Leopold G
Hanshika M
Cooper M
Zaher H
Colour Run - that's a wrap!
Thank you to all the incredible volunteers who lent the school their valuable time on Friday. Their assistance on the day ensured the event ran smoothly and that the students had a heap of fun! It was fantastic to see the spirit and enthusiasm that was displayed in supporting our school. Seeing the smiles on the student’s faces during the event and everyone coming together was truly amazing!
Check out the school's Facebook page to see the amazing pictures taken!
Fundraising: Online donations will close on Saturday 5 April 2025 at 11.59pm, so ensure you share your profile page around to receive last minute donations! Prizes: Once the donations close, prize ordering will open and close on Friday 11 April 2025. You are required to log back in during this time to the and order prizes to the value of the donations. All prizes will be delivered to the school and distributed to classrooms.
This year our Cross Country will be hosted on Wednesday the 2nd of April. It will be from 9-11am at Eddison Park. Find attached the rough timetable for the day. Students will be racing in their age groups based on the age they will be turning this year.
We are looking for a few volunteers for the day to help with the successful running of the carnival. At the Cross Country, we will be hoping for a few parents to be stationed around the course to ensure kids are following the correct path. If you are looking to come along and watch your child race or are coming to enjoy a coffee and want a chair with a great view, consider reaching out and letting me know you can help and I'll be happy to set you up in one of our spots along the course!
This week in the kitchen and garden has been a hive of activity.
In cooking the children made Mexican nachos.
They needed to measure, cook and assemble their nachos. They also learnt about food from another country. I hear the nachos were very tasty!
In the garden we didn’t need to water as it was a rainy day, so we planted some seeds and harvested the spring onions and zucchini.
We have more zucchinis on the way, they are still a bit small.
We gave the garden bed a really thorough weed so we are ready to plant beans and silverbeet next time.
Our kitchen garden stall will be open tomorrow before and after recess to sell spring onions, rosemary and zucchinis.
Gold coin donations are welcome in exchange for some produce.
Garden club will be on for anyone on Friday lunch after eating time.
Email me if you have any questions.
The Garden Club
Mrs Birch & Mrs Moore

1 & 3/4 cups self raising flour
1/4 cup plain flour
1 tsp cinnamon
2/3 cup brown sugar, firmly packed
2 overripe medium bananas
1/2 cup zucchini, grated
1/2 cup skim milk
50 gr butter, melted & cooled
Preheat oven to 180 degrees,. Brush a loaf pan with melted butter to grease and line base and sides with baking paper overhanging tin.
Sift self raising flour, plain flour and cinnamon into a large bowl. Stir in the sugar, make a well in the centre.
Mash bananas in a medium bowl. Add zucchini, eggs and melted butter until well combined. Spoon the mixture into the prepared pan, smooth the surface.
Bake in preheated oven for 45-50 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Remove from oven, set aside in pan for 5 minutes. Turn onto a wire rack to cool completely.
Families are required to place ALL lunch orders via Qkr! before 8.45am
Please purchase over-the-counter sale items (snacks & treats) for your child in a lunch order.
Purchase a “daily counter sales voucher” via Qkr! for your child to go to the canteen to collect items at lunchtime.
Time | Wednesday 2 April | Thursday 3 April | Friday 4 April |
9-11.30 | Louise S | Lucy W |
Sarah C Help needed please |
Thank you, helpers; your assistance is very much appreciated!
Please contact me if you are unable to assist on your day.
Are you able to help in the canteen?
Parent/carer helpers are most welcome in the Canteen.
A lending hand is always required and very much appreciated.
Helping in the Canteen is a great opportunity to meet new people and make a valuable contribution to the school.
No doubt your child will get a buzz from seeing you at the school. So, if you have any spare time and would like to help out in the canteen, PLEASE feel free to contact me through email at or click on the link below to add your selected time to the roster.
All volunteers must have a WWVP card.
Is your child sick and not going to school, and you have placed a lunch order on Qkr!?
You have till 8.45am that morning to cancel the lunch order - instructions on how to cancel lunch orders are below.
Thank you to all the students who participated in today’s FIRST Special Lunch Day for the year!
Mrs R was so happy seeing all the children and staff enjoying Sushi for our special lunch day.
Thank you Lucy, Talena & Drew – along with little Henry and Lincoln for your help today. You made the day run a lot smoother and what a fun day we had. Your help was very much appreciated!
Wednesday 2 April
Are you having a lunch order on Cross Country day?
Well, a set menu has been designed just for you for THAT DAY ONLY!
Cost $7.50
Menu comes with a hot food option, a fruit popper, a pkt of chips and a treat.
Orders can be made via Qkr! up to 8.45am morning of the cross country (Wednesday 2 Apr)
Please note the above set menu is the only food available for students on that day.
Canteen will be open for counter sales at lunchtime for frozen items. Please purchase a daily canteen sales vouchers via Qkr!
8.30 – 9.30AM
The Uniform Shop is a service for the parents and children.
We sell New & Quality Second-hand school clothing, and all money raised goes back to the school to provide resources for the children.
The School Uniform is available via Qkr!
Tuesdays - Fridays, orders will be delivered to your child’s classroom. Orders need to be placed before 8.45 am.
All second hand clothing $2!!!
Next Tuesday 8.30am -9.30am
The Uniform shop is stocked up with second hand uniform, please visit on a Tuesday morning to purchase second hand uniform.
The uniform shop is limited with space, and we need to clear the space.
Winter School Uniform available on Qkr!
Purchase winter uniform before this term ends.
The UNIFORM SHOP is not open during the school holidays.
Students will be wearing winter uniform on their return to school in Term 2.
Cost $10.
Are you having trouble finding a plain t-shirt for the carnivals?
We sell plain house colour t-shirts ready for the carnival.
With 100% breathable soft cotton and UPF rated sun protection for year round.
Sizes range from 4-16. Available on Qkr!
Lauretta Raccosta
Uniform Shop
An Exciting Opportunity for Your Daughter at St Clare’s College!
The transition to Year 7 is an exciting milestone, and St Clare’s College is here to support your daughter every step of the way!
Inside this attachment, you'll find everything you need to explore St Clare’s vibrant school community—from personalised tours to hands-on workshops and special events designed to help your daughter feel right at home.
Spots for upcoming events are filling quickly, so don’t miss out!
Read on to discover how St Clare’s College can be the perfect place for your daughter to learn, grow, and thrive.